Thursday, November 4, 2010

Missing Home

So many things about college are great, but sometimes I just want to be home. I've found I'm really bad about taking my trash out and keeping my shoes in the right place. I've broken hangers and picture frames while trying to clean and loaned out my swiffer for bug attacks before even using it to remove dust. I miss my mom's hugs when I come home after a long day at school and I miss seeing an "A" on the top right hand corner of papers. I love picking my classes, eating with Alphas, experiencing big/little week, and starting to feel like a big kid. But then I remember home where the walls are white and there is sunshine everywhere. I would love to wake up to the annoyingly persistent call of my dad's voice instead of hoping I won't turn my alarm off in my sleep...again. Really, what I miss is getting to lay on my couch and ramble on about all of my complaints to my mom instead of rambling to a computer screen. On the bright side, I get to see my sisters soon:)
Feel at home tonight,

1 comment:

  1. We'll be homesick together! Just remember, we knew these days would come. We were prepared, so we can get through them :) See you in a month and a half or so.
