Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Senior Trip

I’m driving home from St. Louis after taking care of business in the RDU airport with Karoline like it was our j.o.b., after spending an amazing week in North Carolina. I would love to be able to paint a picture for you about everything we did, everyone we saw, and every word that was said. Everything became an adventure; finding a non-existent parking spot at the beach (karli suggested we find a bank nearby to park at...we couldn’t find any banks), negotiating henna tattoos down to 3 for the price of one (if we threw in stevee’s #), witnessing stevee get 2 other #s (which resulted in fb stalking hundreds of guys trying to track one down), watching our personal lifeguard almost drown daily before using rescue techniques on herself, watching tv in a hotel room with all 3 girls by my side under one big blanket, and “love(ing) the way you lie” with our newest music video. At one point karli tried to call a remote control, we captured stevee’s priceless facial expressions while going through pain from something i can’t currently disclose to you, liz ran around impersonating a pigeon w/o realizing the camera lens facing her way was in fact recording, and I embarrassed myself time and time again while trying to mentally document our memories so I’d be able to record them to last forever. And then there was Jake. He is the Harry Potter, Twilight mocker, Inception fan, all around best man, and we all had a blast being in his presence. This trip which was our hello to North Carolina, became our goodbye to each other. Too quickly time with my brother-in-law, niece pup, and sister is reaching the point of holiday occasions. I’m going to college, trying to grow up, and while liz will be back to move me in, I reluctantly said bye to the other two. As far as my girls go, this was our last outing. We’re not quite at goodbye, but our late nights turning into early mornings and eating snacks for every meal including snack times b/c calories can’t touch us...those days are gone. It was a good way to go out.

But don’t worry girls, if we managed to fb chat it up while in the same apartment, i’m sure we can handle sharing some late night snacks and early morning talks with just a few states between us.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

sinful sugar

Today the sky is particularly happy and sunny, but I've been a bit blue. Girls, a little feel good 101: make up is our best friend. I applied my clinique "super fit" foundation, mary kay bronzing stick, and mineral eye shadow (honey spice to keep a naturally glowing theme). Even then, no giddy girl came shining through the rose blush. No worries, I would embark on my daily study of Paul and not only complete the last few verses from the previous day's Bible study, but do today's as well. I mean come on, God, the answer to questions that have yet to be been asked. I looked at my reading guide and today I was to read about the struggles of sin, not exactly uplifting. Like a good girl I wrote my prayer and read my scripture, but still felt the need to wiggle and jiggle (not in front of a mirror. jiggling in front of mirrors must be prevented at all times). Solution? A drive. First came the fries. my body said "whaaat? what is this? partayyyy!". I also upgraded, medium fry! woot to the woot. This will sadly contribute to the unwanted mirror jiggling. None the less, happy was coming. I was listening to a song that said, "I can see the light before the end of the tunnel" and it came to me...fountain soda. Sugar, all i needed. I grabbed my mountain dew and smiled all the way home. My justification for finding more happiness in my soda than in the teachings of Paul in Romans 7? God definitely put that song on the radio which lead me to buy such goodness that sends fake feel good signals to my mind and soul. Thank you Creator of the universe.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My stalker dad

So yesterday I reminded my dad that I'm leaving for college next month. I explained how I'd be spreading my wings and flying somewhere without a map for return. Of course, this was an exaggeration, but at the time I think I wanted him to get something for me and honestly college is my strategy for keeping him tied around my finger. I know, so wrong. But, it all back fired in my face. He won't stop following me! I go to Old Navy, he follows. I go to the post office, he follows. I go to the kitchen, he's right behind my every step. I know this should all be endearing, but then there are expectations. I'm his only little girl, and in return I think he expects to be the only individual I care to see, ever. Sure, he's the only man in my life, but when the sun goes down, so does daddy-daughter time. But even as I walk to my car waving good-bye, he follows. He opens the door and is standing right beside me, checking for strangers in the back of my car, listening for the clicking of locked doors, and walking my reversing car down the driveway. Never remind your father that you're leaving, but if you do, show him a map promising your return.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Want to be my friend?

I'm in dire need of a friend. Well, maybe a man. Yup, that would solve all of my problems. Someone to buy me chocolates that I have no use for except to save for an inevitable later date when i will use them to drown my sorrows. Yes, I need a man. Friends, those are great, but they get boyfriends. And then suddenly times like the 4th of July become nothing but an excuse for laying on a blanket amidst a dark night. Where am I in all of this? Eating the chocolates from last year. I should prolly put a small disclaimer on all of this. You don't need to call my parents out of concern. I'm actually writing this with a smile. A bitter smile? haha perhaps. None the less, a smile. Strangely, I'm perfectly content being single and having my mom as a friend. I'm actually pretty pumped about all of this. I get to do something my friends don't. I get to watch fireworks; forget the blanket, my eyes will be on the sky.