As you can see to your left, my father tried to do my hair tonight. Due to 50% boredom and 50% curiosity I sat down by Dad on the couch and begged him to put down his coffee and braid my hair. After a couple tries and a question or two, here is the outcome. Tonight I stayed home with the parental units. We made a delicious dinner, drank coffee, discussed how unfortunate it is that the Islams are taking over the world, and are soon to bring to night to an end by watching the local news. My question to you, is this normal? An 18-year-old girl sitting at home all night in sweats with no make-up...by choice? To my defense, I didn't finish all of my (black) coffee, I dazed out a little during the Islamic discussion and had to ask some questions to catch me up at the end, and I'm watching the news out of guilt to be the "perfect daughter". Advice to readers...when all else fails, make it a spa night; ask for a daddy up-do.
I hope your weekend has been worry-free (make-up free) and full of smiles.
Until tomorrow,
I love this blog! wish I was there to have dad braid my hair haha! love you!