I did it. I had my tragus pierced. Sounds totally creepy and inappropriate right? Let me back up; all of my life I've become numb to saying no. It was such a second nature response everyday and every night. no, i will not drink that, no i will not smoke that, ew, no i will not do that. But of course I became 18 and here I was, piercing free, tattoo free, and boring. Senior trip came along and my girls decided to pierce their bellybuttons. For so many reasons, that was not a good choice for a girl like me. Fast forward, I stood there watching and screaming as karli gripped the arms of the chair and stevee winced in immense pain. But then came the peer pressure, not only from my best friends and sister, but also the employees of the store. I got a small discount and thought ah why not pierce the cartilage thingy sticking out of my right ear (who does that??). For some reason I did not process that a man would be using his strength to stick a needle through the thickest part of my ear. There he stood, tall, muscly, tatted up, gaged ears, smiling. As the cracking exploded like the fireworks finale on the 4th of july inside my once hole free ear, I started to realized what I just committed to. The cute girl with a tree tattooed up her back and everything visible (and prolly more) pierced promised the pain wasn't bad. She lied. The employees came from the front of the store because apparently we all screamed, I don't recall. The blood, which I also didn't consider being part of the equation, dripped. I have vowed to never have children because of the pain I went through that day. Now I only wear one earbud in my left ear while the other hangs down over my shoulder. And no, it's not b/c I'm trying to be a wangsta. I let a man stick a needle through me ear. I saw the large needle with a cork on the end when I accidentally looked in a mirror, and am painfully reminded of the sharp earring it was replaced with daily.
Oh and it would be totally cool if you kept this on the DL...Bruce hasn't found the sparkling diamond yet.
You forgot to mention how we all screamed and the entire staff ran back to see what was going on.