Friday, December 3, 2010
I Believe in Santa Claus
Monday, November 22, 2010
Freeman Fiasco
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Missing Home
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Answered Prayers
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
"I'm a big kid now!"
Sunday, August 22, 2010
College Day 1
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Tragus or Tat

I did it. I had my tragus pierced. Sounds totally creepy and inappropriate right? Let me back up; all of my life I've become numb to saying no. It was such a second nature response everyday and every night. no, i will not drink that, no i will not smoke that, ew, no i will not do that. But of course I became 18 and here I was, piercing free, tattoo free, and boring. Senior trip came along and my girls decided to pierce their bellybuttons. For so many reasons, that was not a good choice for a girl like me. Fast forward, I stood there watching and screaming as karli gripped the arms of the chair and stevee winced in immense pain. But then came the peer pressure, not only from my best friends and sister, but also the employees of the store. I got a small discount and thought ah why not pierce the cartilage thingy sticking out of my right ear (who does that??). For some reason I did not process that a man would be using his strength to stick a needle through the thickest part of my ear. There he stood, tall, muscly, tatted up, gaged ears, smiling. As the cracking exploded like the fireworks finale on the 4th of july inside my once hole free ear, I started to realized what I just committed to. The cute girl with a tree tattooed up her back and everything visible (and prolly more) pierced promised the pain wasn't bad. She lied. The employees came from the front of the store because apparently we all screamed, I don't recall. The blood, which I also didn't consider being part of the equation, dripped. I have vowed to never have children because of the pain I went through that day. Now I only wear one earbud in my left ear while the other hangs down over my shoulder. And no, it's not b/c I'm trying to be a wangsta. I let a man stick a needle through me ear. I saw the large needle with a cork on the end when I accidentally looked in a mirror, and am painfully reminded of the sharp earring it was replaced with daily.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Senior Trip
I’m driving home from St. Louis after taking care of business in the RDU airport with Karoline like it was our j.o.b., after spending an amazing week in North Carolina. I would love to be able to paint a picture for you about everything we did, everyone we saw, and every word that was said. Everything became an adventure; finding a non-existent parking spot at the beach (karli suggested we find a bank nearby to park at...we couldn’t find any banks), negotiating henna tattoos down to 3 for the price of one (if we threw in stevee’s #), witnessing stevee get 2 other #s (which resulted in fb stalking hundreds of guys trying to track one down), watching our personal lifeguard almost drown daily before using rescue techniques on herself, watching tv in a hotel room with all 3 girls by my side under one big blanket, and “love(ing) the way you lie” with our newest music video. At one point karli tried to call a remote control, we captured stevee’s priceless facial expressions while going through pain from something i can’t currently disclose to you, liz ran around impersonating a pigeon w/o realizing the camera lens facing her way was in fact recording, and I embarrassed myself time and time again while trying to mentally document our memories so I’d be able to record them to last forever. And then there was Jake. He is the Harry Potter, Twilight mocker, Inception fan, all around best man, and we all had a blast being in his presence. This trip which was our hello to North Carolina, became our goodbye to each other. Too quickly time with my brother-in-law, niece pup, and sister is reaching the point of holiday occasions. I’m going to college, trying to grow up, and while liz will be back to move me in, I reluctantly said bye to the other two. As far as my girls go, this was our last outing. We’re not quite at goodbye, but our late nights turning into early mornings and eating snacks for every meal including snack times b/c calories can’t touch us...those days are gone. It was a good way to go out.
But don’t worry girls, if we managed to fb chat it up while in the same apartment, i’m sure we can handle sharing some late night snacks and early morning talks with just a few states between us.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
sinful sugar
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My stalker dad
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Want to be my friend?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
First stop
We just sat down at a bakery beside our terminal. Mom and Dad just left to do who knows what. I love the feeling of freedom, even if it didn’t even last the duration of two sentences. He’s back. We’re about to embark on a Freeman adventure. We have bruce who completely practical. We have Lu who just came back from the bathroom giggling “watch the faucet, it splatters”. Have you ever seen those shows with the long lines, or maybe you’ve been to an amusement park like this; there are cones and lines prearranged that loop-d-loop forever. Well this loop-d-loop wasn’t half full and ppl. were skippng to the front. But not my mother. She’s the one that loop-d-looped from the start, alllllll the way to the front, while the gentlemanly businessmen waited and smiled for her to pass, before skipping to the front. Quick reminder of Bruce, he’s the one that didn’t laugh due to his high levels of focus on trying to figure out if we were in the right place. And then we have me. I’m just “that girl” who is pretending to be on the internet, but is just typing on a regular page that I’ll later post on my blog b/c i can’t figure out how to get on the internet. Now, we aren’t hicks. To prove that Mom is carrying a stylish beach hat...because it looks “vacationy”. First stop...complete.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
A Whole New World
It’s official. I’m one of them. I got my mac yesterday, which means I now also have an iPod touch, seeing that a free iPod is part of the current promotion. Technology and I have never been bff (that’s a title only very few can hold). My mom set up the laptop and a friend put music on my iPod. I’ll tell you a secret...I’m a little ashamed at my inabilities, but let’s just keep that between us. None the less, here I sit, in my long hippie skirt, Coldplay turned on loud, and typing away on this shiny object with a glowing apple. I’m home alone right now and totally feel like holding a conversation. Nothing too deep, perhaps just exchange a few jokes or discuss the highly disappointing weather that has prevented me from laying out and getting perfectly bronzed shoulders and cheeks. I’d chat with my local companions, but my fingers are tired of texting because I haven’t had the perfectly shaped long fingernails needed to type the correct letter on my palm ever since the keypad decided to fall off. It appears that a new phone has been put on hold once again, seeing that within the last week alone, I have become dear friends with our FedEx guy who now knows me as “### somethingsomething street”. Please understand that my address substitutions have nothing to do with my lack of trust in you, but rather my cautious behavior towards the unknown world of internet users. Ahh how I wish I could be discovered by the unknown (only the safe non-creepy unknown) and become known. BACK TO MAC! Maybe now I won’t feel so left behind when I go to college and am surrounded by Mac labs for the 4 years of my Communications major. Just maybe I’ll now be able to sit down and write an article for the magazine!
Thanks for letting me ramble. Learn something new today, let the unknown become known. You should probably listen to Yellow by Coldplay while you search for that something/someone special. Safe travels!
Becoming Anne
So I’m sitting at the river. I know, totally not safe for a young girl...hopefully Mom isn’t reading (if you are I have my keys by my side ready for attack if anyone approaches). Tonight I can breathe. I’m totally in “Anne of Green Gables” mode, feeling the breeze come off the river and listening to faint sounds of crickets in the bushes. I couldn’t even make it through that sentence without laughing at myself, audibly. This little town isn’t so bad. Sure, we got excited when Best Buy came to town and yes, parking lots are still hot spots for hanging out. But it’s quaint. And it holds within it kindred spirits. Anne would approve.:)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
how bright is your light?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
a binder, poster, dust pan, and duck tape
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Daddy Up-Do

Monday, March 29, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
tearful treasures
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Guess What?!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Satisfied with Settling in
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Celebrating Mediocrity!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I want to go to college
Thursday, February 4, 2010
bucket list
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
becoming a barbarian
Monday, February 1, 2010
a leader being lead
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
welcome home mother dear
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I'm a blogger?